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Jester/Harlequin Guide

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Jester/Harlequin Guide Empty Jester/Harlequin Guide

Post by Leviathan Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:54 am

The Jester

Often underestimated, the Jester is still one of the better PvP classes. In PvM he plays like a slighly weaker Blade.

The Jester has the second best Skill in the Game called Hit of Penya, or HoP for short. In a combination with (Skills) even a Full Sta Character will fall.

If you ever played a Blade you should know what to do. The YoYo's are the weakest Weapon in the Game so dont be surprised when a Blade does more PvM Dmg then you (They are Monsters anyway).

Well we are on a Private Server so its not that hard.

Str: xxx
Sta: 15
Dex: 15+
Int: Duh....
Not much to say about this, add Dex for Hit and a CC boost but as soon as you have your Jester Skills and a +10 Set you can go pure Str.

Str: xxx
Sta: 15+
Dex: 15
Int: Really?
More Str = More Damage Nuff said. Well ok you'll learn more later....

The Jester runs around with 2 sets of equipment. One for PvP and the other one for PvM (Obvisiouly).

I am always too lazy to get stuff before I'm at least Master so find that Stuff out yourself.
Weapon: Vampire YoYo (otherwise get the LG YoYo) is the best for PvM. Get it as high as possible and pierce it with Fire A's. Go for Addoch awakes.

Set: Best for Lvling would be the Bloody Set, its too expensive though. Just get a second 125 Set if you cant afford it.
Of course + 10 and 5/5 with LC 7%
Helm: Str/Sta
Suit: Addoch
Gaunts: 14% CC to have 100% with Critical Swing
Boots: Addoch

Weapon: Behe YoYo
+10 and 10/10 fire A's
Ulti Sockets = PvP Dmg (36%)
Awakes = Str

Set: 125 Set cause it has 30 Str
+10 and 5/5 of course

Helm: Str
Suit: Str
Gaunts: Dmg
Boots: Speed

So much for your Sets...

My Experiences:
I havent PvPed on this Server yet but my little Harlequin has Potential....

I only have a 10 Sta awake on my Helm and I already had more Hp on Lvl 130 then my Blade on 150.

I can 1Hit mobs that are about 5+ Lvl above me with my HoP (about 170k+ Dmg) and that with my PvM set (I use the Behe Weapon though).

The Harlequin Skills suck >.> (like always every skill needs 500Fp)
1AoE Skill thats impossible to Lvl with.
1 new Skill that does half my Hit Dmg in PvM ( and you have to ve behind your enemy)
2 Selfbuffs for 1 Minute that raise 10% Hit and the other one raises 10% Block
According to Flyffwiki it should be 30% for 300 Seconds (5 Minutes)

Most important ones first:

Hit of Penya (HoP): 
Your main Damage Dealer and in most cases 1Hit-KO attack. Purely based on Str-> Alot easier than Asal.

Vital Stab:
Only works in Dark Illusion. Has Chance to 2x Damage

Sneak Stab:
Only works from behind the Enemy has a 65% Chance to Stun .

Cross Line:
Another Stun attack with a 40% Chance to Stun. You dont have to be behind your Enemie though.

Your in a wierd Stance for 6+ Seconds, if you get hit the Damage will be nullified and your Enemy will take Damage and will have a 6 Sec Stun.

Double Edge:
This Skill only last 6 Seconds and raises your attack 50% while taking away 50% HP. This is the perfect duration for a nice HoP. 6 seconds is also too short for your HP to change... aka you have 30k and you use the skill you will now have 15k. The Game will show it like this 30000/15000, so more than you have. It takes about 10 Seconds till the Game changes the Error. So as long as you dont get hit or healed (including Food) it will be back at 30k after 6 seconds.

Dark Illusion (aka your best friend):
In PvP this will be your most used Support skill. Be Invisible for 15 seconds Yay. Perfect to HoP someone without them knowing. Enchant Blood or some other Skill cancel it if active. Your pets/Baloon will still be visible. (The only Flaw)
Rarely used in PvM it still has some uses... Like stopping aggros from attacking you.

Enchant Blood:
20% Addoch and 150 Dmg for 10 minutes? Why not...
Canceld out by Double Edge and might Cancel Dark Illusion

Is supposed to work again but i haven't tried it yet. ( Also not sure what it will cancel, it was intended for Sneaker and Satanology) Acording to the Forum it works against anything.

Critical Swing:
Your best Skill for PvM, 40% CC for 10 Minutes... Why waste Dex on it?

YoYo Mastery:
150 Dmg or so... Always Helps

Special YoYo Mastery (Master Skill):
348 Dmg... Almost a Champ Demol lol

Perfect Block:
20% Block always works

iFlyFF Changes (Click to open)

i will format this thing further when I'm at home on my Laptop

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Jester/Harlequin Guide Empty Re: Jester/Harlequin Guide

Post by Gilgamesj Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:33 pm

1 question, im not that good in jester (no experience with) but is addoch not better on you suit that STR?

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Jester/Harlequin Guide Empty Re: Jester/Harlequin Guide

Post by Leviathan Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:01 am

In PvP, unlike PvM (monster), you only use your skills---> str based
So more str=more dmg but only against other people not monsters^_^

Unlike Blades we dont have to hit 1k times just to get blocked more than half of the time.
We go Dark Illu-HoP and target is dead... If you suspect alot of HP
Go illu-Vital-behind enemy-sneak-HoP Should kill everyone (otherwise counter his attack and youll have the chance to end it

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Jester/Harlequin Guide Empty Re: Jester/Harlequin Guide

Post by ThisKidTom Mon Jun 06, 2011 4:54 pm

Just hit Harlequin and I'm trying to get the 120 set.
Do you know how much they go for?


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Jester/Harlequin Guide Empty Re: Jester/Harlequin Guide

Post by Gilgamesj Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:23 pm

10000 RC, there was a time that RC are 1m each (so 10b) but last times most of the time 2m or 3m each... so the price is a bit higher than 10b atm.

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Jester/Harlequin Guide Empty Re: Jester/Harlequin Guide

Post by ThisKidTom Tue Jun 07, 2011 3:14 am

Ouch. I can probably afford it right now, but no one seems to be selling RC.


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Jester/Harlequin Guide Empty Re: Jester/Harlequin Guide

Post by Leviathan Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:44 pm

Yeah thats one of the problems, just buy whenever you see it and hoe that we win tower...

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Jester/Harlequin Guide Empty Re: Jester/Harlequin Guide

Post by ThisKidTom Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:57 pm

I already hit lvl 155 and the next few days I'll be gianting for RC and itokens. I have 3k RC so far and that's with 2 days. Hoping to get another 1k before the day ends. If I can manage 2k every day, I'll have it in no time:)

Edit: 4k chips achieved! I can get 1k in about 2 hours, So if I get a day off this weekend and I can manage 2k tomorrow, consider the set mine!


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