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Cabal NorthAmerica

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Cabal NorthAmerica Empty Cabal NorthAmerica

Post by Dayst Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:57 am

So another thing about this server is apparently people are having issues connecting to the right one. The game as far as I knew was suppose to be global as of 6 or so months ago. For some reason it's not allowing people to log into the right cabal. Best way to get on the cabal if you can't alread connect to it is using Proxy. I myself dunno how to use that (ill learn later when and if Jeff gets stationed on an over seas base).

Okay so recently I've gotten alot of questions about this game so I'm just going to post this general forum post. Well here is some information about the game in a nutshell.

Story Line
Long ago, the Procyon cleansed the land with fury and destruction. Amidst the needless devastation, seven great masters of Force Power led the remaining survivors to rebuild.
Now, almost a thousand years later, the Procyon are puppeteering the evil again, breeding a child to be king and once again cleanse the land.
It is up to you to face the invaders of Nevareth and uncover the conspiracy behind it...
Amongst the 100+ NPCs in Nevereth, you'll find friends and foes, good and evil. But remain vigilant! As sides change, some allies may turn on you, while former enemies can now be trusted...

Warrior - Uses strong sword skills which knockdown, has high defense and health points. Here is my guild leader (currently) fighting my ex guild.

Blader - Uses fast sword skills which give critical chance and damage bonuses, has high defense and defense rate and above average HP. Not the best video of a blader but this is my ex officer Chovey soloing the old strongest boss in the game. That's blader BM2...claws lol.

Wizard - Uses Magic skills that stun the mobs on a large radius surrounding the caster, has low defense and moderate defense rate and lowest HP. This one was hard to find lol Luckly there are some Spur videos on youtube...Well this is the best wizard in NA cabal soloing Pluma.

Force Archer - Uses ranged Magic skills that will stun / knockback the mobs, has medium defense and HP and 2 healing skills. This is a video of the (back in 2009-10) best boss hunting ForceArcher in North American cabal. So you can get an idea about this class Smile

Force Blader - Uses both Sword and Magic skills, has medium defense and above average HP, skills provide a considerable amount of damage and an 8 second stun. Lol and here is the famous Tomaboy of seireitei/tangdynasty. He's one of the best FB's I know besides Drifters (both are in the guild lol)

Force Shielder - Uses both Sword and Magic skills, has highest defense and slow skills overall. His low attack is compensated by the critical chance/damage buff. And last but not lest DistroX. At the age of 11, he defeated the strongest SFS on Mercury.

BloodyIce - The frozen land located on the North part of the Eastern continent (Midreth). This is home to the fighters known as Warrior and Force Shielders, who train in the brutal cold to strengthen themselves against any enemy. Monsters that live here invaded from the far east in Undead Ground.
Cabal NorthAmerica MapBG01

GreenDespair - The deep green jungle located on the Northern part of the Western continent (Pasture). This is home to the most advance fighters, ForceBladers and ForceArchers. The high preist trained each soldier in the art of controling the elements around them. Keeping themselves surrounded by the jungle enhances their ability to control such elements.
Cabal NorthAmerica MapBG03

DesertScream - The abandoned village that is located in the southern part of the Western continent (Huan). This is home to the fastest most prominant fighters, Bladers and Wizards. The extreme heat and densety of this land allows the bladers to focus their body and soul into their weapons allowing them to be swift and quick. The Wizards train with Brocli and Varadrix allowing them to learn the most skillful arts in magic and teleportation.
Cabal NorthAmerica MapBG02

There is many many more maps in the game besides these three. The maps will be unlocked as you level up allowing you to learn more and more about the game itself. I myself love Fort Ruina and Pontus Ferrum. Those maps have the best story plot behind them.

Well needless to say there is a huge verity of items you can use in this game. Recently though alot of armor has become class restricted to prevent FAs trying to be martial (gear ment for wizards) and Bladers from using Heavy Armor (wa/fs gear). But there is still those few pieces laying around if you wish to try to aim to be one of those unique classes that use that kind of gear. Weapons on the other hand can still be used between all classes. Each piece of gear has a restriction as shown in the picture below of the Forcium Orb (circled with the red circle). These restrictions allow you to wear it if your stats meet the requirements. As you can see the orb is only suppose to be used by ForceBladers and Wizards. But since my ForceArchers stats match the Wizard requirements (atleast) I am able to wear the orb with ease.
Cabal NorthAmerica Orb

Possible slots/catalysts
Well as of late the rules for slotting items has changed. So this chart below is actually inaccurate. Now we use these scrolls that you can find by breaking items that have slots or you can buy them in the auction house from other players. (most people just buy from others its the easiest) But this right here will show you the possible things you can get in your armor slots in the game. Slots like Magic amp and Sword amp are only dropped and can't be put into a slot with an item. I know this chart won't make any sense to you til you learn the game more but hey it's better to know somethings than be a complete noob Razz
Cabal NorthAmerica Catalystchart-2

Well there really isn't much more you will really need to know about cabal really. I'll give you a guide on how to get to the game to download and what the server and stuff should look like when you log in if you want to play on NorthAmerican with me.

Okay so I can't give you a guide cause I have a huge screened laptop so the pictures are too big for this forums so instead I'll give you a step by step.

1. Go to
2. Register your account.
3. Click on downloads.
4. Click on game downloads.
5. Click on the big yellow box that says full game download.
6. Let it redirect you if not then wait for pop up box and download the set up.
7. After download is done run the set up.
8. Wait for the set up (1-5mins) and follow the instructions. *** DO NOT REDIRECT THE INSTALLATION***
9. After set up complete click on the big C that should now be on your desktop if not then go into your files and find the application or .exe to start the cabal patcher.
10. Let the game patch.
11. Click start and let the game load.
12. Once loaded put in your ID and PW (click on remember ID makes logging in easier later)
13. Click on Mercury and pick a channel. (green is non pk, white is pk, war is kill everyone you see *for higher levels*, and premium are for people who buy prem with alz *about 200mil*/real money *$10-30 USD*)
14. Create your character.
15. Make a Pin so others cant hack you (4-12 numbers long) you will be asked a SQ to secure it.
16. Click okay and start to enjoy :3
17. When you get level 10 write me a letter in the mail by pressing "L" then click "write letter" then type "Fujisaki" in the top line and put your subject and body and hit send.

Last edited by Dayst on Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:19 am; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 278
Dungeon Gold : 11
Join date : 2011-05-05
Age : 35

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Cabal NorthAmerica Empty Re: Cabal NorthAmerica

Post by Jeff Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:10 am

Well, i don't have much graphic memory, but i have a lkot of ram, so it's may work in my pc. I'll will give it a try! xD

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Age : 28
Location : In your Pc, Trolling your Account. Le Problem?

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Cabal NorthAmerica Empty Re: Cabal NorthAmerica

Post by Dayst Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:02 am

It is a pretty big game...hold on I'll look at how big mine is (minus all the random screenshots I take lol I take like 100 screenshots a week lol) well basicly its 4GB minus 200 or so MBs o.0 dunno how much that is but either way make sure you have like 4GBs of space atleast.

I only have that much MBs cause my screenshots and er well mostly my music cause I put my own music on the game so I can listen to it on the built in jukebox instead of having to use another program for it. You don't lag if you use the in game jukebox lol.

Posts : 278
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Join date : 2011-05-05
Age : 35

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Cabal NorthAmerica Empty Re: Cabal NorthAmerica

Post by pratek92 Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:58 am

ahh i was having a problem saying "you must transfer or activate your account" and when i click the transfer from cabal global thing it says its M/A so i guess i'll wait

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Cabal NorthAmerica Empty Re: Cabal NorthAmerica

Post by Dayst Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:07 am

Why are you transfering? You just register your account. You don't play the global or EU cabal you play the USA cabal o.0 unless your not from texas like your thingy says.

Posts : 278
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Join date : 2011-05-05
Age : 35

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Cabal NorthAmerica Empty Re: Cabal NorthAmerica

Post by pratek92 Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:53 am

thank you for the information here too! the upgrading stuff is a little confusing but i can get the hang of it Very Happy

Posts : 205
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Join date : 2011-05-30
Age : 31
Location : Texas

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