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Jewel/Cloaks/CS Empty Jewel/Cloaks/CS

Post by Gilgamesj Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:46 am

From iFlyff

Jewelery sets

Champion's set:
4/5: 25% Additional Damage of Critial Hits, 20% Attack Speed
5/5: 25% Additional Damage of Critial hits, 20% Attack Speed, 15% Attack

Marksman's set:
4/5: 25% Additional Damage of Critical Hits, 25% Bow Range
5/5: 25% Additional Damage of Critical Hits, 25% Bow Range, 15% Attack

Adept's Set:
4/5: 20% Speed, 25% Decreased Casting Time
5/5: 20% Speed, 25% Decreased Casting Time, 15% Attack

Defender's Set
4/5: 15% Melee Block, 50% Damage Reflect
5/5: 15% Melee Block, 50% Damage Reflect, 25% HP

Red Chip Cloaks:
Lesser Cloak of the Tank: 10% HP, 10% PvP Damage Reduction, 10% Speed
Lesser Cloak of the Mage: 10% Decreased Casting Time, 10% PvP Damage, 10% Speed
Lesser Cloak of the Melee: 10% Life Steal, 10% Attack, 10% Speed

Cloak of the Ox: 10 STA. 10% Speed
Cloak of the Tiger: 10% Additional Damage of Critial Hits, 10% Speed
Cloak of the Rabbit: 10 DEX, 10% Speed
Cloak of the Dragon: 10% Critical Chance, 10% Speed
Cloak of the Snake: 10 Parry, 10% Speed
Cloak of the Rat: 10% Attack Speed, 10% Speed
Cloak of the Horse: 10% HP, 10% Speed
Cloak of the Sheep: 5% Melee Block Rate, 5% Ranged Block Rate, 10% Speed
Cloak of the Monkey: 10 STR, 10% Speed
Cloak of the Rooster: 10 INT, 10% Speed
Cloak of the Dog: 10% Attack, 10% Speed
Cloak of the Pig: 10% Decreased Casting time, 10% Speed

Donationable Cloaks:
Cloak of the Sea God: 15% PvP Damage, 15% PvP Damage Reduction, 15% Speed

Fasion Changes:
10 To all stats

5% Attack
5% HP
10% FP

5% Decreased Casting Time
5% Critcal Chance
10% Attack Speed

5% Additional Damage of Critical Hits
5% Defence
10% Speed

*Notice: Donated Fashion will have 2x the stats of normal sets

Donationable Fasion available:

  • Dignity set

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Join date : 2011-05-04
Age : 37
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