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v17 Information

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v17 Information Empty v17 Information

Post by Dayst Sun May 29, 2011 3:53 am

So for those of you who don't keep up with eFlyff posts I will be posting the information here so here it goes:

1. Increased Level Cap
(***I know this doesn't really effect us but hell it's nice to know for those Question and Answer games the GMs like to hold***)

In version 17, players will notice an increase to the level cap. Previously with the release of version 16, players were able to reach level 139. However, in version 17, players will be able to reach level 150!

How will you reach such a high level, you ask? Well, stick around! You will soon find out about the new mobs discovered in a mysterious land to the west of the great Kaillun Grassland!

2. The Colosseum
(****Again alot of these things may not be put into the private server!!!!****)

(Updated May 22, 2011.)

A man of ancient mystery (no, not Gilgamesh) has suddenly appeared in Madrigal! Claiming to be a man of legendary power himself, he wishes to bring out the best fighters in Madrigal to the Grand Colosseum, located just south of Saint Morning City.

There are two settings for the user to tweak before entering the Colosseum. The first setting is the difficulty, the second is the mode of play. There are two difficulty levels: "Easy" and "Heroic. There are level requirements for each, and each feature a very different lineup of enemies. The mode of play comes in two varieties - Party mode (Normal) or Guild Mode. If you choose to do it as a party, then the only members that can be teleported inside are those inside your party. If you choose to do it as a guild, then only guild members inside your party can go inside.

So why do it as a guild, or do it as a party? This is important: if you do it as a guild, you get the chance to put your guild name on the rankings board upon success in completing the Colosseum battles. You cannot get on the rankings list if you do it as a party.

To begin a Colosseum battle, talk to Marcario, an NPC located at the old arena just south of Saint Morning City. Only the Party Leader can Join the Colosseum; the party members are then transfered inside after the Leader is inside.

Difficulty Levels
Easy Difficulty (Level 1 to Level 90):
To enter this mode, all participating characters must be level 90 or under. There are 13 waves of enemies, and each must be cleared within a certain time limit (this time limit will be displayed during the fight.) There is a bonus, random round featuring the Event Gpotato Boss, which may occur between any of the 13 rounds (14 total rounds in all.)

Lineup and enemy details:
Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4

Heroic Difficulty (Level 1to Level 150):
To enter this mode, all participating characters must be level 150 or under (needless to say, I know,) and in teh same party, and in the same guild. There are 11 waves of enemies, and each must be cleared within a certain time limit (this time limit will be displayed during the fight.) There is a bonus, random round featuring the Event Gpotato Boss, which may occur between any of the 11 rounds (12 total rounds in all.)

Lineup and enemy details: Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3

The obvious rewards are the loot you receive from killing enemies within the Colosseum. There are also rewards for completion of each mode of play.
- Colosseum Champion's Fashion Set (F)
- Colosseum Champion's Fashion Set (M)
- Colosseum Champion's Cloak

You fail if a boss is not cleared within its time limit. If this happens, you must wait 5 minutes before restarting at the beginning of the tournament. However, there is a Cash Shop Item that can allow you to start at the round you failed, instead of at the first round.

New CS Consumables
Cash Shop items allow for the following types of effects, as already described above:
- Gladiator's Parchment: Increase rate of "real" encounters
- Gladiator's Retribution: Restart where you left off

This man seems to have brought some other..mysterious beasts along with him... Champions of Madrigal, ready thy selves! For more content may be released in the future!

3. New Areas
(***This will probably take effect because this area is avalible in EclipseFlyff***)

(Updated May 13th, 2011.)

Two entirely new areas will be joining the maps of Madrigal as players set out to chart these once-forbidden territories. Careful though, they are not for the faint of heart, and are inhabited by extremely dangerous masquerpets. Indeed, these lands are meant only for characters strong enough to face enemies above the level of 130.

Group AI:
Some of these Masquerpets have grown a group mentality. They now hunt in pairs. If you attack one his partner will attack you also be he agro or not. The order in which you kill these guys will determine the amount of exp you receive. Kill the subordinate first to receive the most exp. Subordinates and Masters are indicated on their respective pages on the wiki.[Link]

Bahara Desert: This arid land lies to the west of the great Kaillun Grassland. Discovered by the descendants of Mr. Hunt, players can now venture out across the vast desert and find a small settlement established around an oasis. However, a lurking evil dwells somewhere hidden in the desert, emitting a cool, calm, eerie echo in the minds of travelers that dare wander.

Kalgas Cave: This dark cave at the south of the Bahara Desert reeks of decay and stagnant dragons of old. Inside are those older than time itself, and are the key to the existence of the toughest armors ever known.

Note: There is a 12 hour cool-down on the Kalgas Cave.

4. New Mobs
(***This applies to the above these are the new monsters located in the desert and in the new dungeon***)

Steady your weapons and fasten thy armor, FlyFFers! Two new sets of Masquerpets are about to join the community with the launch of V17, and they aren't about to give up their lands without a fight. Each set features a powerful super boss, complete with a New "Group-AI" attack system that will sharpen their wits (See more about this in section 7.)

Bahara Desert
This hot and arid desert features the restless spirits of the dead along with a selection of sandy reptiles; they pose no easy feat to most, and roam fearsomely in the sand. Ranging from level 137 to 142, including a boss at level 146, these new mobs provide the means for reaching level 150.
Note: These masquerpets come with maximal block rate.

Bahara Desert Masquerpets Page 1
Bahara Desert Masquerpets Page 2
Bahara Desert Masquerpets Page 3

Kalgas Cave
Deep within the Bahara Desert is an ancient ruins fabled to have been overrun by the like of dragons. Rumor has it, that within its depths lies a sleeping brother to the God of Death, Ankou. But why should anyone dare to disturb sleeping dragons? Well, rumor also has it that sealed within is an ancient armory worth the risk to any adventurer. (See more about these new sets in section 5.)
Note: These masquerpets come with maximal block rate.
Note: These masquerpets are extremely powerful.

Kalgas Cave Masquerpets Page 1
Kalgas Cave Masquerpets Page 2

Loot Information
Curious about boss drops? Here's a teaser as to some of their valuables that may lure you into their grasp!

Basilisk of the Great Maw
- Sacred Beads
- Highly Upgraded Rings
- Top-Grade Piercing Cads (A and 7%)
- Stuff for Baruna Upgrading
- Stuff for Baruna Piercing (NEW: see more about this in section 6)

[God of Wrath] Kalgas
- Sacred Beads
- Highly Upgraded Rings
- Top-Grade Piercing Cads (A and 7%)
- Stuff for Baruna Upgrading
- Stuff for Baruna Piercing (NEW: see more about this in section 6)
- Kalgas Set Pieces (NEW: see more about this in section 5)

5. New Equipment
(***Not sure if these will be put in but I'm sure they will***)

(Updated May 22, 2011.)

Long ago these ancient armors were worn by the brave adventurers who worked hard to seal the beast away from the rest of the world. Fearing for the worst, they left their armor behind believing them too powerful to be worn by their descendants.

The Muran are just now discovering this information from ancient tomes buried in dust. But surely you don't believe you can possibly find these legendary armors, do you? For they are guarded by an ancient beast and enshrined by powerful guardians possessed by the wrath of THE Lord Kalgas, God of Wrath.

Kalgas Sets - Page 1
Kalgas Sets - Page 2

Note: You must wear all four pieces of a certain set to enjoy its bonuses.
Note: All of these armors are for level 130. You must be in the third job for your class.
Note: These armors are all Soul-Linked upon equipping them.
Note: These armors are all BARUNA classed. The set effects maximize at +10; though you can upgrade the pieces to +20.

6. Baruna System Improvements and Updates
(***May or Maynot be implemented***)

(Updated May 13th, 2011.)

Disambiguation Please discern Rune Slotting from Piercing altogether. Though it is easy to call this a Piercing System as well, this is different altogether.

Baruna Weapons will be seeing some new capabilities in version 17. This new Baruna Piercing System will introduce new items known as Runes, which can be slotted into any Baruna Weapon. These Runes exist in several flavors, and add different kinds of effects to "chance on hit".

Right now, there are four types of Runes. Expect a few more to come in the future! (up to 16!)

Types of Runes
Berk (HP Stone)
- Chance on hit to restore all of your HP.

Manaz (MP Stone)
- Chance on hit to restore all of your MP.

Zera (FP Stone)
- Chance on hit to restore all of your FP.

Sigel (Death Stone)
- Very small chance on hit to kill an enemy.
- Note: The Death Stone will not work against bosses.

Details of Piercing
To slot a Rune, call up your Upgrade Spirit (usually, Udi, or Piyo.) There is a new option in the upgrade menu if you click on him. The interface for piercing requires three items, but can take four:
- Baruna Weapon
- Rune
- Protection Scroll (New Item from CS) <-- this is to protect the Rune, not the Weapon; see Notes below.
- Smelting Scroll (New Item from CS)

Notes (Pay very close attention to these):
- Runes are the only items you can socket into Baruna Weapons. i.e. you cannot socket cards.
- You can only pierce Baruna Weapons, and not Baruna Shields.
- The protection scroll is to protect the Rune, not the weapon.
- The weapon does not break upon failure, but the Rune will break on failure.
- The piercing attempt may not always succeed.
- Max piercing is (1).

7. Miscellaneous
(***Alot of these things may not be implemented though the new tabs and new elemental glows would be bad a....cause yeah I logged on eFlyff today and that stuff is really handy/cool looking***)

(Updated May 22, 2011.)

Changes to Options Menu
The "Reset" button will be added so that players can reconfigure their game settings back to the default.

Group AI Mob Feature
Some mobs will be gaining this ability. Basically, when you attack a certain mob which is tethered to some other mob, that other mob will also attack you and become "aggroed" to you.

Updates to Previous Boss Drop Tables
Previous bosses such as Drakul, Lykanos, Kheldor, Chief Keokuk, etc, will also be dropping Runes (for Baruna Piercing).

Inventory Additional Tabs
Character inventories will now come in four different tabs. The first tab is the standard 42-slot inventory which will hold anything that doesn't belong in the other three tabs. The other tabs hold specialized types of items, and upon picking an item up, the item will be automatically allocated to the proper tab - if there's room (otherwise it won't be picked up.)

First Tab: Everything (minus those that fit into the other tabs)
Second Tab: Pets (All kinds) and Eggs
Third Tab: Fashion
Fourth Tab: Special Quest Items (this EXCLUDES standard QI such as Twinkle Stones, etc.)

Shopping Cart Feature
When purchasing items from an NPC, a player can now drag items into a shopping cart to purchase items en-masse.

Weapon Element Glow Changes
The glow from each weapon element will be a little "better" or "cooler" in version 17, displaying enhancements from +10 through +20 to look more "intense", or at least different than it used to be previously.

Interested in what they look like? This work-in-progress details the glows at each of the tiers for changes in the element glows: (+3, +7, +11, +16, +20). So that is, the element will change in appearance at these levels, but the effect towards increased damage or decreased damage is steadily improved at every upgrade.

Very Hi-Res Images *o* (So don't be alarmed if they take a while to load)

First and Second Job Quest Changes [Link]
Steps have been removed from these quests so that they are easier to complete. See jasenm22's information thread for more on this, in the provided link.

New Maps
There are now new maps for most dungeons. There are also new maps for Premium dungeons (Azria, Traseia, Coral Island.) There is a small catch though. There seems to be a mysterious force inhibiting the view of these powerful maps. A torch is needed to light the map up - these new torches last a limited time and come from the cash shop. There is one which will light up premium lands, and a different one to light up dungeons. The names are:
- Torch of Isilrute
- Torch of Raon.

Quest for Roika
This feature won't have much use in beta. So for now, expect new information to come in the future.

Fashion Compound System
To be patched into the beta a bit later! Check back for more information.

New Quests
Eillun Office Quests - Bahara:
- Shining Crown
- Tamed Rugalru
- Sand Magic
- Owner of the Desert
- The Best Weapon
- Ancient Rugalru
Chain Quests:
- Berry on Basilisk's Head - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
- Deep Underground Cave Kalgas - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 [incomplete]

So I hope you guys found this useful. Write your feed back if you have anything to say about it.

Here are some screenshots of a normal glow (meaning no element but the weapon is +ed up) My weapons aren't great cause most of my gear is on a different character xD also the gear Jenus uses is for AoEing and the awaken sucks but eh I didn't feel like spending money on him when I had Dayst coming up xD

v17 Information Flyff00001-1
v17 Information Flyff00006-1-1
v17 Information Flyff00005-1-1

Last edited by Dayst on Sun May 29, 2011 4:44 am; edited 1 time in total

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v17 Information Empty Re: v17 Information

Post by Leviathan Sun May 29, 2011 4:23 am

Nice Job

1. --> not much yuse but maybe a new cap for us as well

2. --> Colosseum would rock.. a nice new challenge and the rewards culd be variable as well

3. --> New Areas...anyones lvling in traesia anyways but i like the idea of putting AI into our mobs (The new boses drop Sh** exept for the new set, but atleast we dont need to worry about newer weaps at this time)

4. --> see 3

5. --> depends on the effects

6. --> would rather have the old system.... nobodys gonna use death as you need like 3 hits for normal mobs on pservers anyways and Hp/MP/FP can just be raised with booster/bloodsuck

7. --> I really like the tab system
also: i love the YoYo, Knuckle and stick glow (the yoyo is just imba and the knuckle seems like its just gonna smash through everything)

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v17 Information Empty Re: v17 Information

Post by Dayst Sun May 29, 2011 4:41 am

Leviathan wrote:Nice Job

1. --> not much yuse but maybe a new cap for us as well

2. --> Colosseum would rock.. a nice new challenge and the rewards culd be variable as well

3. --> New Areas...anyones lvling in traesia anyways but i like the idea of putting AI into our mobs (The new boses drop Sh** exept for the new set, but atleast we dont need to worry about newer weaps at this time)

4. --> see 3

5. --> depends on the effects

6. --> would rather have the old system.... nobodys gonna use death as you need like 3 hits for normal mobs on pservers anyways and Hp/MP/FP can just be raised with booster/bloodsuck

7. --> I really like the tab system
also: i love the YoYo, Knuckle and stick glow (the yoyo is just imba and the knuckle seems like its just gonna smash through everything)

The boss drop table will probably be altered for us as well. So 3 and 4 wouldn't really effect us. We will probably get quest item drops to exchange for the weapon/sets. The set effects are listed in the links you just need to click on them to see the set effect table.

the new 6 system would mostly be for the real server but you never know what private servers will do xD

Also I had to edit this thread apparently it double posted so I deleted the other one and reput the normal glow on there since that changed and there wasn't a hyperlink to show.

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v17 Information Empty Re: v17 Information

Post by Gilgamesj Mon May 30, 2011 7:35 pm

1) Yeah indeed maybe a new cap for us

2) Yeah I hope the Colosseum will add :O it looks cool Razz
OMG Heroic is damn hard xD
And uhm Gilgamesj is (i guess) the oldest ancient that exist on the world (in the myths) hahaha

3/4) New location would be cool (maybe iFlyff come with a higher level cap like 175 or something **SEE 1**) And than they can up the mobs in the desert and dungeon. (like they did with Traesia)
Drops of the bosses can change, like the upgrade of a behe wep is not through the burana system.

5) okay the sets are bad compare to the upgraded 125 on iFlyff, but i guess they will change it... but otherwise ... the most have good awakes and pierced the sets and spend around 10b+... so my question why new sets at 130 (what is only 5 levels higher) so they must be damn good to switch i guess (and than I hope we can sell our 125 sets for nice prices) Kheldor is than a bit superfluous.

6) is also bit superfluous because (burana weps = behe weps I guess?) can be pierced and jewel set

7) The tabsystem would be cool if the 4th tab is for every Quest items. It is handy. Maybe they can use 3 tabs for normal (so not CS and Pets) because more inventory is always good xD

Glowing is nice ^^ haha

job change must be 1 click like 3rd haha (only kill the venel may still exist) but the rest it is tooo much flying xD

So i'm agree with Leviathan Smile
And Dayst NICE JOB Very Happy

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v17 Information Empty Re: v17 Information

Post by Dayst Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:42 am

Gilgamesj wrote:
5) okay the sets are bad compare to the upgraded 125 on iFlyff, but i guess they will change it... but otherwise ... the most have good awakes and pierced the sets and spend around 10b+... so my question why new sets at 130 (what is only 5 levels higher) so they must be damn good to switch i guess (and than I hope we can sell our 125 sets for nice prices) Kheldor is than a bit superfluous.

6) is also bit superfluous because (burana weps = behe weps I guess?) can be pierced and jewel set

Glowing is nice ^^ haha

So i'm agree with Leviathan Smile
And Dayst NICE JOB Very Happy

5) The sets stats increase as you + up the gear according to the eFlyff information lol.

6) No I've seen the boss as I said I've played Eclipse and it's full v17 working Razz so those weapons aren't Behe

Yeah the glows are niceish and thanks Razz

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v17 Information Empty Re: v17 Information

Post by Gilgamesj Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:13 pm

Okay now I don't understand anymore xD

I've heard more names for one kind of weps or are there 2 kind weps. Now i'm confused haha.

If i'm right you have
The Muran weps (135) aka Behe weps?
The Risen weps (130)

And they you can upgrade (in eFlyff, so not necessary for iFlyff) with the Baruna system.

@Dayst, Of course I know that the information is for eFlyff xD but for now we only know the stats from eFlyff and that stats is crap Smile. Otherwise I hope that the level gap between those set was more than 5. Because now everyone will wait and wouldn't buy Kheldor sets anymore (I guess) because the 130 sets are much better (Because iFlyff will upgrade them like they upgraded everything) I hope you understand it now Smile

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